Helllo CIAS users! We are conducting a usability study as part of our ongoing efforts to make CIAS 3.0 as useful as possible for the research community. To that end, we are seeking participants who have (a) worked with digital health interventions (e.g., developing, maintating, programming, etc.) for a minimum of 1 year, (b) have a title of one of the following: PI, Co-I, Project Coordinator or Manager, Research Assistant, or Independent Contractor and (c) have never used CIAS.
Participating in this study will take a total of about 2-hours over the space of roughly 2-weeks (5-minute eligibility survey, 1-hour training via Zoom, and a 1-hour usability interview sesssion via Zoom). All participants will receive training in CIAS 3.0 and acess to the platfform following completion of the study. Those who complete all requested activities will receive e-gift cards totaling $120.
Please share this study opportunity with any colleagues who fit these criteria. Thank you for sharing this opportunity with your networks and happy interveniton authoring!

Hi Mary,, I am interested in participating in the study as well. My email is : absharma@ehs.org. Thank you very much. I shall email you the same .