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Forum Posts

Nov 13, 2023
In Support & knowledge sharing
I have a few clarification questions relating to IRB language as I am working on writing the protocol for my team's study intervention in CIAS: From the CIAS Helpful IRB Language document: "No PHI is communicated with the CAT-MH system and the linkage between the participant and their CAT-MH assessment results are solely accessible within the CIAS system" --does this mean that all CAT-MH data remains only within CIAS, or will survey results/any de-identified meta data also be stored or seen within Adaptive Technology servers? How is a participant's name linked with their data accross multiple survey sessions? Will a participation's name appear in our generated data report spreadsheet? If a participant ID is created instead to link participant data accross sessions, how is that linked with name and user account? If we are eventually able to create a user account with a phone number, will account registration require the same information form participant as creating an email account (first name, last name, etc.?)


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