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Release notes 

July 3, 2024

New Features

1. Added ability to track links sent through SMS

General Bug Fixes and Improvements 

March 15, 2024

New Features

1. Added a 'pause' status for interventions
2. Ability to access CIAS resources from dashboard

3. Translate navigation buttons into Spanish

4. Improved speed of Emmi's animations


General Bug Fixes and Improvements 

December  19, 2023

New Features

1. Added ability to import and export interventions in JSON


General Bug Fixes and Improvements 

1. Improvements to Arabic translation tool

2. Improvements to the flow of multi-session interventions using the short link feature

November  19, 2023

New Features

1. Added ability to create a participant-specific intervention link that will direct them to the next available session

September 27, 2023

New Features

1. Added ability to use report screen variable in branching

2. Added ability to delete participant data from the server

3. Added ability to send third-party reports via secure fax

4. Added ability to favorite interventions on your dashboard


General Bug Fixes and Improvements 

1. Improvements to live chat support

2. Improvements to sending videos and GIFs via MMS

July 24, 2023

New Features

1. Added Collaborate feature

2. Added ability to apply a digit limit to number screen

3. Instructions to help researchers operate the system

4. Ability to type date manually in date screen

5. SMS CSV additions, including timezone and time range

6. CSV optimization: data from all sessions appear in one row 

General Bug Fixes and Improvements 

1. Improvements to narrator audio 

2. Onboarding improvements: no longer need to verify email

May 25, 2023

1. Ability to set and edit session autofinish

2. Ability to attach files to text messages (MMS), up to 5mb

3. Updated look to the skip question button 

4. New open-source accessibility plugin

5. Maintenance and bug fixes

6. Ability for participant to select preferred time ranges to receive text messages

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